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How to create a Web Gallery from Video in Two Minutes

Select Video

First you need to select your source video file. Click on the small button to browse for the file or edit file name directly in the edit box. After a valid file was selected you can press Next button.

Please Note:
Following video file types are accepted:
AVI, WMV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4/DivX, Video CD, S-Video CD

Other file types may work but this depends of your DirectShow configuration.


Select Frames

Select your desired Frames using the slider bellow the Video window. After each frame click "Add Frame to Selection" button. The frame will be added in the Tree (right side of the Video Window) having a default caption.

After adding your frames to the selection you can edit the frame name (which will appear later in the gallery). To do so, click one time in the tree to select the item and again the same to edit the caption (like you do in Windows Explorer when renaming a file) .

When ready with the selections click Next.

Please Note:
The following screen can be skipped since refers to image processing effects. If your still are ok you can skip Apply FX screen by simply pressing Next again.


Config Web Gallery HTML

In the Config screen be sure to choose HTML Web Gallery checkbox in the Export As... Section.

After that select Web Gallery Settings tab and adjust your web gallery settings (e.g. Gallery name, table properties, colors, thumbnail size, etc.)

This screen will affect drastically the web gallery output so take care when changing each item.


Select image file properties

After setting the Web Gallery look and feel you may need to adjust the JPEG compression. Take care. 100% means minimal compression therefore good quality but big file size also.

By selecting 70% you will get a fair size/quality ratio.

You may also tune up how the files will be saved on disk. A sample file name is displayed when tuning the filename. Do not forget to have Add Selection Name checkbox checked. This will add your selection name to the file name so you can read the caption directly in the filename.

When finished press Next to go to last screen.


Select Video

The last screen gives you the possibility to superimpose a text over each frame (e.g. copyright). Also here you can specify the output path to the folder where the gallery will be saved. After tuning everything you can press Render button.

All frames will be processed, the HTML code created and exported into specified folder.

The content of that folder can be later copied with your FTP program on the web or changed using an HTML editor (Frontpage, Dreamweaver, etc.)



Previewing the Gallery

You can preview the gallery in your default browser by clicking Yes. Your gallery was exported in the path displayed in this dialog box.


The Result
